food tray

food tray

Friday, March 21, 2014

March 21st Oh Baloney

After two weeks of sick kids I was finally able to get back into the Cafeteria.  The kids seem pretty hyped up because of the nice weather and the official start to Spring. 

Says a little boy with concern, "In the bathroom outside of Chinese class there are a whole lot of cuss words written on the wall.  Don't worry, though, I don't look at them because I have to aim at the toilet."

Approaching a Kindergarten girl with her arm bent over her head I ask, "Can I help you with something?"
 "Oh I wasn't raising my hand I was just stretching my triceps." 

Today I noticed several notes in kids lunches.  This is so sweet and I see this a lot, but what struck me today was that most of the notes were from Dads.  I say to a Kindergartener, "Oh, you got a note today from your Daddy."  She replied, "Yeah, Daddy puts a note in my lunch everyday and I save them all in my treasure box at home."    Precious.  (note to self: encourage John to write notes to the kids)

Here's a question I've never encountered until today: "Can I go to the office to call my mom cause I don't like to chew sandwiches?"  
Me, after a long pause, "Seriously?"  After explaining to her that you can't go to the office to call your parent just because you don't like your lunch, the little girl stares up at me with a look of frustration and says, "No, you don't understand.  I .....don't ....this cheese!"  

Kindergarten boy motions for me to lean in and he wisper-spits in my ear: "A girl in Miss ------'s class is in love with me and my cousin.  I don't know what I'm gonna do."

Boy with two partially eaten slices of baloney plastered on his face.  As I approach him one falls to the floor.  "Well, that's what happens when you play with your baloney."  Then I bust out laughing.  Did I really just say that?  

"My mom says I'm high maintenance."
Me:  "She's right.  Stop raising your hand, already."

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