food tray

food tray

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Not the one

Approaching a boy with a seriously angry face I ask, "What's the matter?" 
He points to his lunch box on the floor under the cafeteria table and starts shouting  "My lunch is crushed to pieces!  I can't eat it like that." 
Trying to speak calmly I say, "That's too bad.  How did it get that way?" 
Still shouting: "Because I pummeled it over and over!" 
In my best counselor voice I say, "It sounds to me like someone is angry today."
He replies, "Yeah, my teacher is."

Dating advice overheard from a 5th grader to a Kindergartener:  "If a boy tries to kiss you at Chick Fil-A he's probably not the one."

A very excited Kindergarten boy says to me,
"Celia's mom, guess what?!" 
"What?" I say with my most excited expression.
"My mom is going to have a sister!" 
"Wow," I say.  "Your mom is having a sister?"
Long silent pause with perplexed look on his face....."No wait.  I'm going to have a baby!"
Another long pause. 
Head tilt from me, "Really?" 
Lost of giggling from the girls around him and then one shouts out "His mom is having a baby girl!"
Boy smiling in relief and nodding his head in agreement. 

Boy with a panicky look on his face, one hand raised in the air and the other hidden under the table. 
"Yes," I say. "What are you hiding under the table?" 
"I'm not hiding anything.  My finger is stuck!" 
Me: "What?  That's redic.....Oh my goodness your finger IS stuck."  (Somehow this boy had jammed his finger between a bar and the table)
"That lady told me it was gonna get stuck but I didn't believe her!"  (nothing a bit of ketchup can't fix)

Walking up to a boy who had spilled water right on his crotch.  With a sheepish grin he says, "Can I have a few napkins?"  I hand him the napkins, look at his water bottle and say.  "Probably wasn't such a great idea to try and jam two huge grapes into your water bottle, huh?"
"I know, right? Now I look like I peed myself." 

A boy struggling with (and by struggling with I mean licking vigorously) a green and blue fruit leather snack which appears fused to it's plastic layer asks me,  "Can you peel this off here for me?"
I just look at him and say, "I'm sorry but I have my limits.  You are on your own with that one." 

The award for the least nutritious lunch goes to a lucky boy in 2nd grade.  A Nutella sandwich on white bread, a snowball (which he explained was a rounded cupcake with frosting and sweet coconut on the outside), spicy Doritos, and a fruit punch drink. 

Third grader tells me proudly, "I wore my athletic cup to school today and dared 3 kids to punch me in the nuts!  I only had one taker though."